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Ruling That LPAs Not Valid Upheld

Lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) allow you to appoint someone else to make decisions in respect of your property and financial affairs, and/or your health and welfare, in the event that you lose the capacity to do so yourself. However, an LPA must comply...

Varying a Statutory Will - Requirement to Notify Beneficiaries

If a person lacks the capacity to make a will for themselves, it is possible to make a statutory will for them by applying to the Court of Protection. When seeking to vary such a will, however, the Court of Protection Rules 2017 require that beneficiaries...

Court Sanctions Leg Amputation for Man Lacking Mental Capacity

The courts are often called upon to sanction treatment for patients whose ability to make decisions for themselves is impaired. In a recent case on point , the Court of Protection had to decide whether it was in the best interests of a man with mental...

FCA Warns Social Media Influencers Over Adverts

Influencers on social media, and anyone involved in advertising and promoting products, would be well advised to make sure they are aware of their legal responsibilities. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published guidance on financial promotions...

Inheritance - High Court Shows Compassion in 'Mercy Killing' Case

Where one person unlawfully kills another, the killer usually forfeits their right to inherit any part of the victim's property. As a High Court ruling in an exceptionally sad case showed , however, that general rule may be tempered by compassion in cases...

Going Into Business with a Loved One? Don't Dispense with Legal Formality

Couples who run businesses together are often tempted to dispense with paperwork and rely solely on trust. As a High Court ruling showed, however, any relationship may come to an end, leaving both sides wishing they had taken a more formal approach at the...

Family Judge Treads the Blurred Boundary Between Life and Death

The ability of modern medical technology to keep patients' hearts beating and their lungs ventilating has led to a blurring of the boundary between life and death. As a High Court ruling showed , it sometimes falls to family judges to make the desperately...

High Court Authorises Withdrawal of Young Father's Life-Sustaining Treatment

Many families whose loved ones are in hospital on life support understandably cling to the hope that they will in time recover. As a High Court ruling showed, however, where such hopes run contrary to the weight of expert medical evidence, judges have the...

Declaration of Death Opens Way for Administration of Missing Teacher's Estate

When a person goes missing without trace, the fact that their assets are left in limbo often adds to the agony suffered by their loved ones. However, as a High Court ruling in a very sad case showed , such impasses can if necessary be broken by a judicial...

Moving in Together? Do You Understand the Legal Ins and Outs?

Couples who move in together commonly believe that their shares in the property will reflect their respective financial contributions to the purchase price or mortgage. As a High Court ruling made plain, however, such assumptions are often mistaken in that...
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