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Stamp Duty, Multiple Dwellings Relief and Apportionment

When buying properties that comprise more than one residence, multiple dwellings relief (MDR) is available against Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). As a First-tier Tribunal (FTT) ruling showed , however, both the availability and extent of such relief is often...

Upward Extension of Residential Blocks - Guideline High Court Ruling

Advances in building techniques have made it possible to build additional storeys on many blocks of flats. Such developments may not be popular with existing residents but, as a High Court case showed, the pressure on housing stocks is such that planning...

Motor Racing Circuit Development Passes High Court Noise Test

Commercial operations frequently encounter noise complaints from neighbours and that can create a powerful barrier to development. However, in one case, the fierce objections of local residents did not deter the High Court from upholding planning permission...

'Hope Value' Boosts Compulsory Purchase Compensation Award

The likelihood of planning consent being granted in respect of a plot of land can be a crucial determining factor when assessing its value. As an Upper Tribunal (UT) ruling showed , the existence or otherwise of such so-called 'hope value' is often the...

What is a 'Controversial' Planning Application? High Court Gives Guidance

If you object to a planning application, you are perfectly entitled to encourage others to join you in voicing opposition. However, as a High Court ruling showed , the fact that objections may, in effect, come from a single source is relevant to the...

Forced to Shut Your Commercial Premises During Lockdowns? Read This

Numerous hospitality and other businesses suffered crushing losses when they were denied access to their commercial premises during COVID-19 lockdowns. However, many of them can take comfort from the High Court's ground-breaking ruling that a group of...

Rugby Club's Expansion Plans Not Inhibited by 1922 Restrictive Covenant

Land is often sold subject to restrictive covenants that inhibit the use to which it can be put. As a guideline Court of Appeal ruling showed , however, the distinction between restrictions that provide a personal benefit to the vendor alone and those that...

Empty Cinema Blaze Triggers Landmark Court of Appeal Ruling

When marketing commercial premises, they obviously have to be made available for inspection by prospective buyers, tenants or their representatives – but to what extent, if any, do such visitors owe the property owner a duty of care? The Court of...

Companies and the Concealment of Land Ownership - High Court Ruling

A bewildering array of corporate structures is all too commonly used to conceal the real ownership of property. However, as a High Court case showed, judges are well versed at finding their way through the maze and uncovering the true position. The case...

Affordable Housing Shortage Proves Decisive in High Court Planning Case

The chronic shortage of affordable homes is a powerful driver in favour of permitting building projects that might otherwise be considered objectionable. The High Court made that point in upholding planning permission for residential development of a...
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