
Discrimination at Work

As an employer, you are responsible for eliminating certain forms of discrimination from your workplace. There is an Act of Parliament dealing with the issue of sex, race, disability, religion, belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership. The Equality Act 2010 gives your employees the right to start proceedings in the Employment Tribunal against you if they feel that they have been discriminated against, harassed or victimised.

Some of these rights come into existence as soon as an employer advertises a position and all companies need to be aware of their responsibilities.

Substantial awards have been made by the Employment Tribunal in cases of discrimination. 

How to avoid problems

  • develop a written Equal Opportunities policy
  • make sure that all of your workplace procedures support your Equal Opportunities policy
  • put in place appropriate internal procedures for dealing with any situation which might arise
  • make sure all of your staff are aware of the policy
  • deal with any complaints quickly and thoroughly, making sure they are well documented

Equal Opportunities policies must be real - claiming to have a policy means nothing if it is not enforced. (See more information)

For assistance in drawing up an effective Equal Opportunities policy, email Richard Stephens to make an appointment or call 0208 370 2875.